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Monitoring and Evaluation Reports

The Student Voice is reflected and responded to by both Module Leaders and Course Leaders in their monitoring and evaluation reports which are approved and considered at all relevant committees. They also serve to inform an overview report.

Module Monitoring Reports

Module Monitoring Reports are completed by Module Leaders at the end of each semester and the results are collated and formally considered within the Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Report which is produced by the Course Leader responsible for the course on which the module is taught. The Module Monitoring Report collects data and Module Leader commentary on a range of key areas including feedback from Student Module Evaluation Questionnaires, grade distribution, areas of good practice and any issues.

Annual Course Evaluation Reports

The Annual Course Evaluation Report is a mid-year evaluation that is produced by each Course Leader for their respective course, covering the period September to March. The report is a holistic reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the course, and is presented to our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee for approval following a recommendation for approval by the relevant Course Committee. The Annual Course Evaluation Report incorporates an Action Plan and implementation of the Plan is monitored within the relevant Course Committee whose minutes are subsequently received by our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee for consideration and action.

In addition to individual Annual Course Evaluation Reports for each course, our Academic Principal produces an Overview Annual Course Evaluation Report which is informed by the individual course reports. This overview document is approved by our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and received by our Academic Committee, our Senior Management and Leadership Team and our Board of Directors for information. As with the individual Annual Course Evaluation Reports, the Overview report includes an Action Plan. Implementation of the Action Plan is monitored by the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee whose minutes are received by our Academic Committee and Senior Management and Leadership Team for consideration and action.

Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports

Course Leaders are responsible for completing an Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Report (AMER) for their course at the end of each academic year. The AMER is the principal instrument for the routine monitoring of our activities. The report provides comprehensive and reliable evidence on the quality and standards of our academic provision, and on factors that impact upon that provision. It provides intelligence on current and possible future developments within a Course Team’s academic or professional community and across the institution.

The reports also identify areas of good practice which are worthy of dissemination throughout the institution. This dissemination takes place through our Senior and Academic Leadership Team and within our Teaching and Learning Forum (which is convened by our Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning).

The AMER is approved by our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee following a recommendation for approval by the relevant Course Committee, and received by our Academic Committee for information. As with the Annual Course Evaluation Report, the AMEReport incorporates an Action Plan, and implementation of that Plan is monitored within the relevant Course Committee whose minutes are received by our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee for consideration and action.

In addition to individual Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports for each course, our Academic Principal produces an Overview Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Report which is informed by the individual course reports. This overview document is approved by our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and received by our Academic Committee, Senior Management and Leadership Team, and Board of Directors for information. As with the individual Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Report, the Overview report includes an Action Plan. Implementation of the Action Plan is monitored by the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee whose minutes are received by our Academic Committee and Senior Management and Leadership Team for consideration and action.

External Examiner Reports

We appoint External Examiners so that they can provide independent assurance that the quality and standards of our qualifications are comparable to those awarded by other higher education institutions, that our assessment processes are being applied equitably and fairly, and also for them to provide advice on the quality enhancement of learning, teaching and assessment at Bloomsbury Institution. Their views are captured in annual External Examiner Reports (EERs) and responses to the reports from Course Leaders are then recorded in External Examiner Response Forms (EERFs) which are submitted to the QAEC for approval. The relevant Course Committee monitors the completion of any actions set out within the EERF. The Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee has institutional oversight of the completion of any actions and monitors any responses from the Course Committees. The Academic Committee receives all EERs and EERFs for information. EERs are formally considered within the AMER.

Copies of the EERs and EERFs are uploaded to our Quality and Enhancement Manual.

Quality and Enhancement Manual