We have given our Advice Clinic wheels! Our Mobile Clinic is here to support even more people across the UK, bringing guidance to the streets and providing an interactive addition to your community events.

The Bloomsbury Institute Mobile Advice Clinic is a fully kitted out event bus which gives us, and our partners, an instant vehicle (excuse the pun) for offering advice and guidance in the communities we serve.
We attend school and colleges events, community fun days and themed events, offering advice on Higher Education, Entrepreneurship, Personal Taxation, and Housing and Family Law.
How does it work?

We can attend your careers or progression events , offering one-to-one advice on guidance on next steps for your students.

We can attend community events and advice sessions for local residents associations or charities.

Our Law Clinic is mobile! Wherever we’re needed, we can provide free legal advice to people who are not eligible for legal aid and cannot afford to pay.