The Quality and Enhancement Manual (QEM) sets out our Quality Assurance Framework and is relevant to both staff and students. It aims to act as a central source of information on how we do things to provide assurance on the quality of our course delivery. The Quality and Enhancement Manual includes the key policies and procedures which guide and support our approaches to quality assurance.
For more information about how we comply with the Office for Students Regulatory Framework, Notices and Advice see here. Our Access and Participation Plan (APP), along with our Student Protection Plan (SPP), can be found within Section 3: All Policies. A summary of our fee information can also be found here.
Our Quality and Enhancement Manual has been designed to both make reference to, and express, how we meet the requirements of the revised QAA Quality Code. See the section ‘The QAA Quality Code’ for more details.
You will see that our Quality and Enhancement Manual is split into four sections:
- Section 1 sets out our Corporate and Academic Governance Framework which underpins the standards and quality of our provision.
- Section 2 is made up of our operational areas which largely share the thematic titles published through the QAA Quality Code’s Advice and Guidance.
- All of our policies can be found in Section 3.
- Section 4 includes key student forms along with some guidance.