At Bloomsbury Institute, we equip students with practical skills and expert support in a welcoming community. Whether you’re pursuing law, accounting, or business, our inclusive environment helps you thrive and succeed beyond graduation.

Ranked 2nd for Business in London
*in the 2024 National Student Survey (NSS)

Start your journey with us

Business and management degrees
2 YearsStudy:
Apply now to start in October 2025Duration:
1 YearStudy:
June or October 2025Accounting and finance degrees
2 YearsStudy:
Apply now to start in October 2025Duration:
1 YearStudy:
June or October 2025Law degrees
2 YearsStudy:
Apply now to start in October 2025Duration:
1 YearStudy:
June or October 2025How the application process works
Complete the application form to let us know which course you would like to study and your existing qualifications.
Apply for Student Finance as soon as you have submitted your application to avoid delays.
You will be offered a place if you meet the entry requirements, or, invited to an Admissions Assessment.
International applicants are issued a CAS or may take a Pre-CAS Interview in order to gain a Student visa.
Welcome to Bloomsbury Institute! Enrolment and Induction take place the week before your studies begin.