We’re a friendly bunch, so get in touch! Complete the form below if you’d like to hear more from us. For general enquiries, please use the contact details below.
Contact us
Call the switchboard on 020 7078 8840
Email us at reception@bil.ac.uk
Send post to our main address:
Bloomsbury Institute
7 Bedford Square
Choose a department to view thier contact details
Student Recruitment (United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland)
- Email: sr@bil.ac.uk
- Telephone: 020 7078 8840
- We’re based at Bedford Square.
- Email: sews@bil.ac.uk
- Telephone: 020 3873 3977
- We’re based at Great Portland Street.
- Email: visa.compliance@bil.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44(0)20 7078 8843
- We’re based at Bedford Square
- Book an appointment.
- Email: academic.admin@bil.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44(0)20 7078 8840
- We’re based at Great Portland Street.
Bloomsbury Institute Student Guild (BISG)
Please note that BISG is a seperate organisation to Bloomsbury Institute and communications with it are governed by its own constitution.
- Email: guild.manager@bil.ac.uk