The Initial Course Evaluation (ICE) is completed by new students at a course level (as opposed to a module level) and is intended to act as an ‘early warning’ survey to ensure that all new students have settled into their studies and are not facing any difficulties. Areas that the ICE focuses on include , teaching, resources, practical matters, and overall satisfaction ratings.
The ICE is conducted for both September and January cohorts around four weeks into the students’ course, and the software used to capture the data is able to deliver data reports within minutes of the survey ‘closing’, thereby facilitating timely institutional responses where necessary.
The results of the ICEs are considered formally at the relevant Course Committee and by our Senior Academic Leadership Team. The evaluations are also received by our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee for information pending formal consideration within an Annual Course Evaluation Report (ACER) which Course Leaders complete later in semester two of the academic year.
Student Module Evaluation Questionnaires
The Student Module Evaluation Questionnaire (SMEQ) is completed by students at module level and covers a range of areas including module content and structure, assessment and feedback, quality of teaching and learning, and overall satisfaction. SMEQs are considered within the relevant Course Committee and by our Senior Academic Leadership Team prior to submission to our Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee for information. The Semester 1 questionnaires inform our Annual Course Evaluation Reports (produced by Course Leaders), but are formally considered within the relevant Module Monitoring Report (produced by Module Leaders responsible for the particular module) and the Annual Monitoring Evaluation Report (produced by the Course Leader with overall responsibility for the course on which the module is taught).
End of Year Course Evaluation
End of Year Course Evaluations (ECEs) are completed by students at a course level and are modelled on the questions included within the National Student Survey. They are considered within the relevant Course Committee and are received by the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and the Senior Academic Leadership Team for information. The ECE is also formally considered within the Annual Monitoring Evaluation Report (produced by the Course Leader with overall responsibility for the course on which the module is taught.
National Student Survey
Although only designed for final year students, the National Student Survey provides our students with another opportunity to share their views and for us, in turn, to listen and reflect. These views are captured and analysed in our Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports where Course Leaders are asked to comment on how the current year’s results compare with those of the previous year. They are also shared with our Board of Directors, and our Senior Management and Leadership Team.