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Our approach to teaching and learning

Our approach to teaching and learning is articulated through our Strategic Framework, which comprises seven goals, sub-divided into sub-goals, representing our institutional strategic targets that we will seek to achieve over the three-year period 2019-22. This approach is further underpinned by our Inclusive Learning Environment Framework.

We therefore vary our teaching methods and learning activities to promote and support the learning styles and preferences of all students including learners from both traditional and non-traditional educational experiences.  The same considerations are taken into account when designing our assessments.

The articulation and implementation of a strategic approach to teaching, learning, assessment and research has to be supported by appropriate resourcing.  Our course specific Annual Planning Cycle ensures that appropriate resources are allocated in a timely manner in order to improve in areas where we identify weakness and build and consolidate in areas where we identify strength.  Our academic provision is reported on twice yearly.  The full academic year is reported on annually through our Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (AMERs) which inform our Overview AMER, which includes an ‘institutional level’ Action Plan summarising all the salient points from each AMER.

Additionally, we have ‘mid-year’ Annual Course Evaluation Reports (ACERs) which inform the Overview ACER.  The Overview ACER is a holistic reflection on the strengths and weaknesses of the courses, alongside an update of the Overview AMER Action Plan, including the creation of an additional action plan to incorporate any new actions that have arisen since the approval of the Overview AMER.  The Overview ACER also draws on the Internal and External Intelligence Report (IEIR), which is written at the mid-year point and considers relevant internal and external intelligence which may have an impact on our future direction.

In 2020-21, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many teaching activities are taking place online. The following document sets out the principles of online delivery of modules and academic support, and provides guidelines for each principle: Online Teaching and Learning Guidance 2020-21.

Quality and Enhancement Manual