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Delivery and monitoring of our courses

External examiners

As part of the delivery of each of our courses, we appoint independent and impartial external examiners who play a key role in our quality assurance and enhancement processes. Those appointed as external examiners are experts in the subject and are required to comment on the setting, maintenance and application of academic standards through our assessment processes as well as the standards achieved by Bloomsbury Institute students and whether they are comparable to other UK higher education institutions. Additionally, external examiners ensure that our assessment processes work equally and fairly for all students and that they comply with our regulations, policies and procedures.

There are many ways in which external examiners are able to fulfil their role. The remit of external examiners includes such tasks as approving our draft assessments and examination papers and ensuring the appropriateness of our internal marking standards. External examiners play an important part in highlighting these areas of good practice at course level that they feel should be shared more widely.

Each external examiner files an annual written report covering those modules and programme areas for which they are responsible. Their report sets out their findings and may include recommendations or highlight areas of good practice. External Examiner reports are considered at course and programme level and at committees including the Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and the Academic Committee. Student representatives participate in each of these forums. We publish all our external examiner reports on our website together with our responses to them.

Quality and Enhancement Manual