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Enabling Student Achievement

The Centre for Student Engagement, Wellbeing and Success (SEWS) is at the heart of Bloomsbury Institute’s mission to assist students in achieving their full potential. This mission is deeply connected to our promotion of fair play, inclusivity, curiosity, hard work and courage as core values within our community of learning. With these values in mind, the Centre seeks to deliver a range of services which place the holistic development of students as a multidimensional person at the heart of what they do.

Like all higher education providers in the UK, the QAA Quality Code states we must meet certain Expectations for Enabling Student Achievement. These are:

QAA Quality Code Expectation 

For Quality:

  • From admission through to completion. all students are provided with the support that they need to succeed in and benefit from higher education.
    • Enabling student achievement encompasses a holistic approach to support throughout the entire student journey, from admission and transition into higher education, to completion and transition out of higher education. This Expectation does not specify ‘academic success’ and so it is worth noting that enabling student achievement does not comprise solely of academic support. This Expectation also makes clear reference to support that is accessible and inclusive of all students, but not the same for all students.

What’s next?

Within the Expectation above, the QAA Quality Code also sets out Core Practices that we need to meet – see below. Go to How we do things below to see our approaches in meeting these Core Practices.

Quality and Enhancement Manual