Unsuccessful applicants may be eligible to apply for an alternative course. Feedback on individual applications will be provided on request. Requests should be sent to:
Admissions Department
Bloomsbury Institute
7 Bedford Square
Feedback will only be provided to the applicant and not to a third party, unless written permission has been provided by the applicant.
Where an applicant believes there are valid reasons for complaining about how their application has been dealt with, the applicant should make a complaint to the Deputy COO using the Admissions Complaint Form.
The completed form should be emailed to admissions.complaints@bil.ac.uk .
The complaint must come from the applicant and must be submitted within three months of the conclusion of the admissions process against which the complaint is being made. A response will be provided to the complainant within 21 calendar days of receipt of the complaint.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the response they receive, they may appeal this decision. The Deputy COO will not have any involvement in the appeal process.
If an applicant is not satisfied with the response received following their complaint, they can submit a written appeal to our Head of Compliance by letter or email to:
Head of Compliance
Bloomsbury Institute
7 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3RA
The Head of Compliance will nominate a senior member of Bloomsbury Institute’s staff to investigate the applicant’s appeal (the ‘Investigating Officer’). The Investigating Officer will prepare a written report of: (i) the findings of the investigation; and (ii) any recommendations. The written report will be submitted to the Head of Compliance. The Head of Compliance, taking into account the written report and any recommendations therein, will make a decision with regard to the appeal. The Head of Compliance will inform the applicant of the decision in writing within 21 calendar days of receipt of the written appeal. The Head of Compliance’s decision is final.
Our Student Complaints Policy and Procedures does not apply to applicants.