The National Student Survey 2024 is now open for final-year undergraduate students! And good news for all that take part – you’ll receive a £20 Amazon voucher!

The NSS closes on Tuesday 30 April 2024.
What is the National Student Survey?
The National Student Survey is an independent anonymous survey completed every year by mostly final-year undergraduate students across the UK. The NSS asks questions about your student experience and the quality of your course. The anonymised results are made publicly available through the Discover Uni website which helps inform applicants about institutions and helps us to understand what we’re getting right and where we can improve.
The NSS is commissioned by the Office for Students (OfS) on behalf of the UK funding and regulatory bodies and is undertaken independently by Ipsos. Ipsos is an independent market research agency, so responses remain anonymous at all times.

Why should I take part?
By completing the NSS you’ll not only help improve the student experience here at Bloomsbury Institute, but you’ll also be providing information for prospective students to choose where and what to study.
Your feedback is pivotal to the way we run Bloomsbury Institute. We’re committed to providing a memorable and life-affirming experience and the direction this takes is ultimately shaped by what you have to say.
Based on feedback over the past year, we’ve introduced a range of new initiatives and developments:
- We now employ an Employability and Volunteering Executive in the Student Guild to support students in finding part-time work
- We support networking hubs, informal ad hoc gatherings, chill-out sessions and pop-up meetings to promote positive student wellbeing
- SEWS have introduced transition workshops for our returning students, using a group-coaching approach to support and develop students as they progress
- We have incorporated even more practical elements; such as leadership skills, negotiation, and team-building skills, into our curriculums to prepare students for entrepreneurial and management roles after graduation.
Improvements we have made based on previous years’ feedback include:
- Introducing our Travel Bursary to help eligible students combat the costs of travelling to and from classes
- Providing a free laptop for new Bloomsbury Institute students
- Increasing the number of student roles available and the range of legal issues that the Bloomsbury Law Clinic can advise on.
How do I claim my £20 Amazon voucher?
Complete the NSS 2024 if you are eligible to do so. The NSS is open to final-year undergraduate students who Ipsos have contacted by email or phone.
Once you’ve completed the survey, you’ll receive an automatic email confirmation from the NSS. Simply forward the confirmation alongside your name and LON number to
If you don’t receive an email confirmation, please email with your name, university and student number.
Huge thank you to all that take part in the NSS and help us to improve the student experience!